How Has Virtual Education Improved Since the Beginning of Covid?
Fortunately, virtual education today doesn’t look like it did in March 2020. Many virtual schools have been set up with time and care, online platforms have improved, and teachers now know which strategies to use to help students learn remotely. For some students, a virtual school may be the best choice for a quality education.
Read on to see why virtual education today is so much better than it was just two years ago.
Educators Know More About How to Make Virtual Education Effective
Teaching online school requires different skills than teaching in a brick-and-mortar school. A large part of the learning chaos in 2020 was that traditional school teachers with no virtual education experience had to quickly figure out how to use unfamiliar technology, act as tech support staff for families, and teach in a completely different way.
Teachers today have plenty of experience with online school. They know how to effectively use online platforms, help students access them, and use teaching strategies that work well in virtual school settings. The days of trying to teach brick-and-mortar-style classes via Zoom are long gone.
Virtual Education Platforms Have Improved
Educational technology has rapidly improved in the past few years, especially since COVID began. As schools were forced to adapt to virtual learning, ed tech companies rapidly expanded and improved their products. The virtual education landscape today looks very different than it did even a couple of years ago.
Schools now have a wide variety of online platforms to choose from, and enough teachers have tried them out to know which ones are most effective. Teachers have also had time to figure out which teaching strategies work best with these platforms.
More Teachers Have Experience With Remote School
At the beginning of COVID, most teachers had never taught a virtual class. Today, educators have much more experience and training for this style of teaching, especially if they teach at an online private school.
Educators have learned what does and doesn’t work in a remote learning environment. Remote school teachers in particular have plenty of practical experience with helping students learn from afar. After more than a year and a half to experiment and train for virtual education, teachers truly know what they’re doing.
To see how experienced educators teach in a remote setting, sit in on a free class at Healing Roots Online School.
Private Online Schools Have Expanded Their Capacity
Virtual education at a private online school looks very different from virtual education at a school that was always intended to be in-person. While most schools have not been able to invest as much in virtual education tools and training, private online schools have fully optimized every aspect of their program for virtual learning.
Because of this difference, many families have recently shifted to private online schools for a better education. Online schools have expanded their capacity and funding, which means they are able to provide more and better learning opportunities than ever before.
Looking For Proof That Virtual Education Has Improved?
To see what online education looks like today, we encourage you to sit in on a free class at Healing Roots Online School. You can also contact us to learn more about our approach to virtual learning and what a typical day looks like at our virtual school.
We are always happy to answer families’ questions about virtual education!
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